Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Communist China Calls For Stricter Gun Control There

Flag of China

It is ironic that in the country that invented gunpowder and possibly the first firearm, the “Fire Spear,” Communist China is complaining again that there are too many guns on Mainland China’s streets. Red Chinese officials have just announced another crackdown on private gun ownership there. Just like the perennial Five Year Plans in the Soviet Union, there have always been annual plans to catch Chinese who own firearms.

Self defense there? Forget it. Its a country that is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of firearms, and is where many guns wind up in the black market because of careless control at factories like in Russia, and thefts from military armories and gun shipments. The black market for firearms in China is huge, and some guns are even clandestinely sold online. Many guns cross the borders illegally from Myanmar and sell for $75.00 to about $300.00, affordable to new middle class Chinese. Many lower quality guns are made in home workshops and are used in street crime.

The penalty for possession of a gun in China is up to three years in a re-education camp or in prison. Use a gun in a crime, and its execution. The fact is there is a lot of street gun crime in China. It is briefly reported and not followed up by government controlled media. The Communist government and the media  usually responds to stories of guns used in crime with calls for stricter gun laws, just as is done here.  

The first big crackdown on firearms came after the pro democracy “Tianamen Square” uprising in 1989. Who can forget the image of the Chinese man stopping a moving tank in its tracks by standing in front of it? That's a dangerous thing to be happening in a totalitarian country. People could get ideas. During a 2010 crackdown, 15,000 guns, 1.84 million bullets, 300,000 imitation guns, and 170,000 illegal knives were seized. Over 2,000 people were arrested. About $150,000 in reward money was given to those turning in gun owners.

These crackdowns have been done sporadically in the past, but a concerted effort to rid the country of privately held firearms has been going on in earnest annually since the 2008 Olympics were held there. One six-month campaign in 2008 netted 79,000 guns, replica guns, and 5.75 million rounds of ammunition.  Recently, about 9,000 illegal guns were seized by police in just two Chinese provinces last November.

Taking firearms from the populace is just part of the the norm for stripping citizens of their freedom and property there for the Communist Chinese. Along with that anti-firearm push in 2008, came the confiscation and demolition of private homes occupied by about 1,500,000 Chinese to make way for flamboyant structures and buildings for the Olympics in Beijing and in the other cities that  held the games. And, most have not received a replacement home or other damages. Those who asked for compensation faced retribution. One resident of Datun requested compensation, but received 8 days in jail instead. That was a lenient sentence. Others requesting compensation have received summary judgment and have been beaten or killed by police. About 200 seeking compensation were arrested before the Olympics began. Others were sent to labor re-education camps for up to three years, for their "deviant behavior." These are the consequences that are the fate of a defenseless and unarmed society. 

And, in a country where there are a few exceptions for police trainers and security guards, and private civilian gun possession is completely outlawed, there are renewed calls for even stricter gun controls. But, even security guards kill people. Just three years ago a security guard at a munitions plant shot and killed a coworker over a chess match. 

Citing cass where guns are used in crime,  the regime will crack down again on gun ownership. For example, a Gansu province "Gun owner" recently killed three people and wounded eight with a homemade gun. Another “Gun owner,” an armed robber, shot a man during an armed robbery attempt. Another “Gun owner” robbed a jewelry store of $47,000. And, yet another “Gun owner” killed a man in Nanjing and stole the equivalent of about $50,000 from the body. These crimes happen frequently in China. Sometimes the victims are foreign tourists.

Just as anti firearms rights groups disparage the firearms rights slogan, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns,” that’s exactly what is happening in China. It’s precisely what happens to a disarmed and helpless citizenry. Most of the privately owned firearms are in the hands of street thugs and criminals who prey on an unarmed population. A street thug getting caught with a gun has an attitude like those here. Getting caught with an illegal gun and being imprisoned or executed is just a cost of doing criminal business.
If a Chinese thug can't get a gun, he has to turn to knives, blunt objects, hands, fists, feet, poison, explosives, drowning, fire, strangulation, or other more creative methods of mayhem. 

The bottom line about gun control in China is the need to preserve the Communist government. To paraphrase Chairman Mao in Chapter Five of his Little Red Book, “Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Few doubt that after a few years a regime like this dictatorship would have lasted very long with an armed citizenry. However, many Chinese are envious of the United States with its Second Amendment. But, the youth in China are lost because they have grown to adulthood believing that firearm ownership is evil.

1 comment:

  1. China is the largest gun manufactures and exporter in the world and that make them to do anything. I think that china is earning a lot of profit from gun manufacturing due to low labor cost.

    gun manufacturers
