Monty Python would have been proud of the advice given to a Surrey resident about how to stop potential burglars. Englishman, David Bishop, is a former British Broadcasting Corporation engineer, and he has thousands invested in electronic equipment at his home. He went to a community meeting with police about a rash of home burglaries in his neighborhood recently. He told officers that he was concerned that his property could be stolen.
Police had usually told homeowners in the area that has been hard hit by burglaries to not use homemade deterrents such as putting wire mesh around windows because burglars could hurt themselves and sue for damages. They advised to use strong locks.
But, Bishop was given the following advice about to keep it safe from burglars. He should create a sign telling burglars that they could be accidentally electrocuted if they stole the equipment or tried to use it in the storage area at the home. Some of the equipment carries up to 30,000 volts. He was specifically advised to put up a fluorescent sign that warned burglars that they could be “In danger.” According to the Telegraph, he was counseled by the Bobbies to use a yellow sign that said, “Warning, Electrical Tools,” and for those who couldn’t read, add a lightning bolt to the sign. The sign should be fluorescent because most burglaries are nighttime jobs.
Police refused comment about the sign when approached by local news media.
Why not just put up a sign saying valuable goods are stored inside, just be careful if you take them. This sign should be as effective as keeping criminals with guns out of "Gun Free Brady Zones" 
WARNING! This Screen Mesh is Extremely Dangerous to Burglars
However, In Chicago:
A Chicago area woman didn’t depend on a sign to stop a burglar who entered her south side home. She heard breaking glass, grabbed her gun, and confronted two burglars inside the home. Her shots wounded one man and the other died. An autopsy is scheduled. She won’t be charged for the killing because the man who was wounded threatened the woman with a tire iron. But, it is not known if she possessed the proper permit to have a gun in her home.
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Cook County Sheriff's Most Wanted
Name: Jaun Mendoza-Ayvar Date of Birth: Dec. 27, 1969 Charge: First Degree Murder Last Known Address: 4354 W. Belden Ave. CHICAGO, IL | Name: Cherilyn Isom Date of Birth: Apr 1, 1975 Charge: Aggravated Arson Last Known Address: 1035 Lexington Circle Ford Heights, IL Captured 12/15/2008 |
Name: Jesse Taylor Date of Birth: Aug 31, 1971 Charge: Sex Offenses Last Known Address: 305 W. 145th St. Harvey, IL | Name: Christopher Debernardis Date of Birth: Sep 4, 1985 Charge: Resist, Obstruct Disarm an Officer Charge: Armed Robbery Last Known Address: 12742 Spencer Alsip, IL |
The Cook County Sheriff's Policevalues and recognizes the need for public assistance in tracking fugitives. If you have information on the whereabouts or activities of any person on the list, call 708-865-4902 Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals-Contact: 708-865-4902 |
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